CREATE LIFE You want to be the first inventor to create not just artificial intelligence, but true life, a robot that can think, feel, and love. The game is played with a deck of playing cards, and two or more players. Shuffle the deck and deal 3 cards face up on the table. If there are any face cards or jokers among them, discard them and deal until only number cards remain. Decide a player to go first, then that player starts their turn. Your goal is to accumulate a value of exactly 11 in each of the four suits, as well as a face card. These suits represent your robot's attributes: Clubs are its body, spades are its intelligence, diamonds are its emotions, and hearts are its kindness. When you have exactly 11 in each suit, and a face card (which doesn't count toward its suit), you win the game. On your turn, take one or more cards from the 3 on the table that have a total value of 10 or less and put them in front of you. You can only have up to 11 value worth of cards in a single suit; if you take a card(s) that would put you over 11, you must either discard that card(s) or discard ALL other cards of that suit in your possession. After taking cards, deal from the deck until there are 3 cards on the table, then it becomes the next player's turn. If a face card or joker is dealt to the table, discard it and deal a new card. Once at least one player has collected a total value of exactly 11 in a suit, a breakthrough in the field is made, and face cards of that suit (and jokers) are kept on the table when dealt. If you take a face card or joker from the table, you can't take any other cards that turn. Face cards can be used either as a value of 11 in its suit, or as the face of your robot. Jokers can be used as a value of 11 in any suit in which a breakthrough has been made, but can't be used as the face of your robot. If the deck ever runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile to make a new deck.